July 2022

The artistic and educational potential of our natural and human-made environments. Through practical and research-based presentations we aim to: - explore ways to emphasize the importance of music and dance education in fostering a love, understanding and responsibility for the natural world; - to share creative responses to and reflections on both natural and human-made environment; - to promote sustainability through our practices; - to inspire the development of a more encompassing relationship between nature and our well-being. https://www.orff-schulwerk-forum-salzburg.org/conv...





SIMEOS Iscrizione Corso estivo 2022/Summer Course 2022
May 2022

Creative learning, creative teaching, and teaching for group creativity in music education.
January 10, 2022: Start of registration for participants.
March 7, 2022: Deadline for submission of Call for Papers.
May 26/27, 2022: Conference in Munich (and online).



International Conference "Creative Interactions 2022"
March 2022

Date: March 26th, 2022, 16:00 - 19:45 CET/UTC+1 (Vienna) and repeated at 23:00 - 2:45 (Mar 27) CET/UTC+1 (Vienna)
Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/5266043637?pwd=YkxMdWh1U...
ID: 526 604 3637. Passcode: 542234



16:00-19:45 CET/UTC+1 (Vienna)
FORUM RESONANCES: Jazz, Improvisation, and Orff Schulwerk
January 2022

Creative Challenge Festival

Saturday, 29 January 2022
16.00 (CET Munich)
on Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86128807146
No registration is needed!



16.00 (CET Munich)
Creative Challenge 2021
November 2021

A new free project for ROSA members in 2021 in ZOOM! Every month, Orff-centers of different cities will share their experience: November - Ekaterinburg.



​​Regional Orff-centers online - Ekaterinburg.

Curriculum: Day 1. Drum games and djembe tales. From pulse to rhythms - hearing, singing, playing, dancing. Games, stories from classical music - Brahms, Strauss, Chopin. Musical tales: "How Bears met Penguins", "About a frog who liked counting". Day 2. From a musical tale to a stage form. Together with a curious snail from Julia Donalnson's book "The Snale and the Whale".



Anna Shimkevich's course "From pulse to improvisation" in Krasnoyarsk

Kinds of activity that involve child into music playing; Multi-step musical models for preschoolers and schoolchildren; Easy dances for children and movement improvisation; Gaming possibilities of counting-out rhymes; Sound gestures, body percussion; Development of material: from a four-line rhyme to a musical act, from easy to difficult, through a game to performance; Musical projects activity / projects done independently; Games with a conductor / group games without conductor; “Drum stories”.



Irina Shestopalova’s practical seminar “Musical education from toddlers to adults. Orff-Schulwerk practice” in Izhevsk
October 2021

Regional Orff-centers online - Moscow and Yaroslavl. A new free project for ROSA members in 2021 in ZOOM! Every month, Orff-centers of different cities will share their experience: November - Ekaterinburg.



​​Regional Orff-centers online - Moscow and Yaroslavl. A new free project for ROSA members in 2021 in ZOOM!


Anna Shimkevich's course "From pulse to improvisation. Movement from ready-made formulas and patterns to flow" in Moscow

Free Online Event FORUM RESONANCES "MUSIC AND MOVEMENT FOR OLDER ADULTS AND OTHERS: practical examples, interviews, conversations".

Sunday, 17 October 2021 (online)
9:00 - 12:00 UTC+2 and repeated at 18:00 - 21:00 UTC+2



FORUM RESONANCES "MUSIC AND MOVEMENT FOR OLDER ADULTS AND OTHERS: practical examples, interviews, conversations"
July 2021
June 2021

Irina Shestopalova: "I receive letters from people who dived into the Orff-pedagogy recently; from people who are on the very beginning of their way, who want to learn the very basics and ways of development in Orff-pedagogy. I answer to everyone personally... I've understood that time has come for a personal meeting with the ones who want to study NOT online!!! Because Orff-pedagogy is not only about "watch and repeat". It's also about "get to know, look into each other's eyes, understand your partner, make a project together, be happy for your friends, be in a common creative space, feel the energy of working together!"



Irina Shestopalova's seminar "Gaming space of music. From babies to adults. Early childood, preschool age"
May 2021

Curriculum: Day 1. Drum games and djembe tales. From pulse to rhythms - hearing, singing, playing, dancing. Games, stories from classical music - Brahms, Strauss, Chopin. Musical tales: "How Bears met Penguins", "About a frog who liked counting". Day 2. From a musical tale to a stage form. Together with a curious snail from Julia Donalnson's book "The Snale and the Whale".



Anna Shimkevich's course "From pulse to improvisation" in Rostov-on-Don

The curriculum includes: playing with sounding items and DIY instruments; making musical instruments from avaliable materials; "kitchen orchestra", "pocket orchestra", "storeroom orchestra" - everything can make sounds - rhythm games - arrangement - creating scores; avaliable ways to play music with children; ukulele, guitar, recorder - first steps, teaching and concert repertoire; music as a mother tongue (how do children learn music?); a concert made of nothing.



10:00 (мск)
Galina Khokhryakova's seminar "An orchestra made of nothing: from a game to a concert act" in St. Petersburg
April 2021

Curriculum: Day 1. Drum games and djembe tales. From pulse to rhythms - hearing, singing, playing, dancing. Games, stories from classical music - Brahms, Strauss, Chopin. Musical tales: "How Bears met Penguins", "About a frog who liked counting". Day 2. From a musical tale to a stage form. Together with a curious snail from Julia Donalnson's book "The Snale and the Whale".



Anna Shimkevich's course "From pulse to improvisation" in Moscow

Round dances from the whole world. Canons. We will dance and sing a lot - colorfully, tasty and soulfully!



​Svetlana Miroshnichenko's and Nadiya Lobanova's practical seminar "Round dances and canons" in Tomsk-

Curriculum: Day 1. Drum games and djembe tales. From pulse to rhythms - hearing, singing, playing, dancing. Games, stories from classical music - Brahms, Strauss, Chopin. Musical tales: "How Bears met Penguins", "About a frog who liked counting". Day 2. From a musical tale to a stage form. Together with a curious snail from Julia Donalnson's book "The Snale and the Whale".



11:00 (мск)
Anna Shimkevich's course "From pulse to improvisation" in Saint-Petersburg
March 2021

Curriculum: Day 1. Drum games and djembe tales. From pulse to rhythms - hearing, singing, playing, dancing. Games, stories from classical music - Brahms, Strauss, Chopin. Musical tales: "How Bears met Penguins", "About a frog who liked counting". Day 2. From a musical tale to a stage form. Together with a curious snail from Julia Donalnson's book "The Snale and the Whale".



Anna Shimkevich's course "From pulse to improvisation" in Krasnoyarsk

Saturday, 27 March 2021 (online)
9:00 - 12:00 CET and repeated at 18:00 - 21:00 CET
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 989 7938 2012. Passcode: A0aqCM



9:00 CET, 18:00 CET
Online event FORUM RESONANCES DISCOVERING THE WILDFLOWER: How Orff-Schulwerk uses culturally specific ideas

Topics of the seminar- Integrities in movement, state and sound.- Underlying nature and essence of plastic, sound and speech expressiveness.- Reflection of one's inner world, his feelings, mood and thoughts in speech and musical intonation, in movement plastic.Practics: Body games using nursery rhymes for feeling oneself; Finger games; Games with sound using a ball; Games with phonemes sequences; Games with sensory cards; Games with tongue twisters; Games with simple nursery rhymes.



18:00 (мск)
Iliza Safarova's seminar "Movement and intonation games that help one to feel the truthful sound" in Moscow

Curriculum: Day 1. Drum games and djembe tales. From pulse to rhythms - hearing, singing, playing, dancing. Games, stories from classical music - Brahms, Strauss, Chopin. Musical tales: "How Bears met Penguins", "About a frog who liked counting". Day 2. From a musical tale to a stage form. Together with a curious snail from Julia Donalnson's book "The Snale and the Whale".



Anna Shimkevich's course "From pulse to improvisation" in Novosibirsk
February 2021

The curriculum inclues: features of Orff-approach concept (theorethical part); gaming material; game modelling; contrasts (what, why and how).



11:00 (мск)
​Nadiya Lobanova's seminar "Orff-pedagogy from scratch" in Tomsk.

Topics: creating; learning; forms and options of performance; games with canons; composing simple pieces; arrangement for vocal and instrumental ensembles; algorithm of searching for means of arrangement, building the sound and the composition as a whole.



​Elena Filimonova's online seminar "From improvisation to composition. How to create yourself and encourage others to create"

Shirley Salmon's (the president of International Orff-Schulwerk Forum Salzburg - IOSFS) webinare will be held on ZOOM platform. Curriculum - Part 1 - "Shirley Salmon's game songs (practical part)". Part 2 - "Music therapy. From the experience of working with children with special needs".



12:00 мск
​Shirley Salmon's webinare

Curriculum: Day 1. Drum games and djembe tales. From pulse to rhythms - hearing, singing, playing, dancing. Games, stories from classical music - Brahms, Strauss, Chopin. Musical tales: "How Bears met Penguins", "About a frog who liked counting". Day 2. From a musical tale to a stage form. Together with a curious snail from Julia Donalnson's book "The Snale and the Whale".



Anna Shimkevich's course "From pulse to improvisation" in Saratov

Feb. 12: 7:00-9:00 pm PST - ORFF FOR ALL AGES: A Benefit Workshop for the Orff Forum (Asia/ Australia) (online)
Feb. 13: 9:00-11:00 am PST - ORFF FOR ALL AGES: A Benefit Workshop for the Orff Forum (North and South America/ Europe/ Africa - a repeat of workshop above) (online). Course description and registration: www.sforff.org



Doug Goodkin. ORFF FOR ALL AGES: A Benefit Workshop for the Orff Forum
January 2021

Regional Orff-centers online - Samara. A new free project for ROSA members in 2021 in ZOOM! Every month, Orff-centers of different cities will share their experience: January 31 - SAMARA, February - MOSCOW, March - NOVOSIBIRSK, April - KRASNOYARSK



​Regional Orff-centers online - Samara. A new free project for ROSA members in 2021 in ZOOM!

Organizer - Irina Baranova



​Soili Perkio's online seminar "Organization of lessons with pre-school children, based on Orff's approach; structure of the lessons".

Seminar's curriculum:1. Can we communicate without words?2. 5-beat rhythm. An outlook or a challenge?3. In the beginning there was a drum.4. From an idea to a creative project.



Online seminar "Orff's approach on music lessons". ​The presenter - Monika Kionka (Poland)

We'll learn the basics of body percussion, play simple and complex rhythms, learn to organize body percussion rhythms into some structures. Rhythmical and dance body percussion compositions. Body percussion notation.



​Irina Shestopalova's course "Introduction to body percussion" in Novosibirsk
December 2020

On the first day, we'll play everything we have at home, close at hand. On the second day, we'll make musical instruments - also out of everything we have at home. Musical games will be played during both days.



​Galina Khokhryakova's online seminar "An orchestra made of nothing"
November 2020

AOSA kindly invites IOSFS members to join AOSA's Virtual Symposium, November 13 - 14, 2020. Details are included in the attachment or you may click here.



Orff Together: AOSA’s Virtual Symposium

The curriculum includes: children musical development since early age; options of activity; synthesis of different kinds of creativity.
The workshop will be held on ZOOM platform.
Organizer - Irina Baranova, instagram - @radamusica



Soili Perkiö's online workshop "Creative music teaching during early childhood"
October 2020

Elena Filimonova's two-day online workshop "From improvisation to composition" will be held from October 31 to November 1, 2020.



Elena Filimonova's online workshop "From improvisation to composition"

5-day course curriculum (from October 28 to Novemner 1, 2020): Kinds of activity that involve child into music playing; Multi-step musical models for preschoolers and schoolchildren; Easy dances for children and movement improvisation; Gaming possibilities of counting-out rhymes; Sound gestures, body percussion; Development of material: from a four-line rhyme to a musical act, from easy to difficult, through a game to performance; Musical projects activity / projects done independently; Games with a conductor / group games without conductor; “Drum stories”. Videoclips “From Orff-teacher’s working experience”



Irina Shestopalova’s practical seminar “Playing space of music. Orff-Schulwerk practice” in Vladivostok

Alexander Fyodorov is a 2019 Level course graduate. The curriculum of the workshop includes: Games with boomwhackers; Movement; Harmonies; Color scores; Adapted sheet music; Creative projects; Arranging well-known pieces. Organizer - Irina Shestopalova.



Alexander Fyodorov's workshop "Boomwhackers and working with them" in Novosibirsk

Come Together - Sofia Lopez-Ibor. 3 short lectures on Gunild Keetman: Barbara Haselbach, Verena Maschat, Cornelia Fischer. Questions and discussion. Film and audio examples of Keetmann's work - Christoph Maubach. Statements from Orff-Schulwerk Associations. UpdatesShirley Salmon & Andrea Sangiorgio. Link: https://zoom.us/j/96115867787?pwd=aWo2dFo4YVF4TWhj... Meeting ID: 961 1586 7787. Passcode: 122018.



Free online event FORUM RESONANCES: Gunild Keetman

Join an inspiring course for creative music education and learn traditional music and pedagogical adaptations from Finland, Iceland, Norway and Denmark. Teacher team has worked together to write the Nordic Sounds ebook www.nordicsounds.info. This course will offer a new boost for your classroom and online teaching. Musical echoes from Denmark - Morten Moosgard. Songs and stories from windy Iceland - Elfa Lilja Gísladóttir, Nanna Hlíf Ingvadóttir and Kristín Valsdóttir. Sound exploration and songs from Norway - Ruth Wilhelmine Meyer. Power of Finnish folk music - Soili Perkiö and Elisa Seppänen



JaSeSoi offers a new online course Nordic Sound New Waves in October 2020
July 2020

Lesson 1. Elemental music playing as a way of learning classical heritage: basic working principles.Lesson 2. A play based on classics as a symbiosis of traditional and elemental musical theatres: basic matters of organization (on the examples of "The Nutcracker", "Orpheus and Eurydice", "Ruslan and Lyudmila", "Snow Maiden"). Lessons 3 and 4. Creating a musical play based on Rimsky-Korsakov's opera "Sadko" in the spirit of the Orff-approach: principles of the step-by-step organization of work.



18:00 (мск)
On July 13, 15, 20 and 23, 2020 Natalya Valchenko's online workshop "Opera in schools. Classical music through Orff-approach" will be held

Representatives of ROSA in 2020 - Vyacheslav Zhilin (ex-President) and Irina Shestopalova (President).

Topics for discussion (both in plenary and groups) will include:
- Identity and tasks of the IOSFS
- Expectations of IOSFS members
- New voting procedure
- Financing the IOSFS
- Proposals for the future



July 6 – 9 the IOSFS Convention will be held online

On June 10, 2020 we're starting the second cycle of online meetings with the leading Orff-teachers of Russia and the whole world! June 10 - Elena Filimonova, June 14 - Svetlana Fir (Ukraine), June 16 - Natalya Valchenko, June 19 - Irina Korneeva, June 22 - Tatyana Ermolina, July 01 - Leonardo Riveiro Holgado (Austria), July 04 - Angelika Wolf (Austria). The presenters chose the topics themselves. They will speak about what worries them right now and tell the stories they want to share with us. The meetings will be held on ZOOM platform. Organizer - Irina Baranova, head of the Moscow Orff-chapter. The registration of the participants is held only by Irina Baranova, the organizer of the meetings!



"A bee eye view on Orff Pedagogy: From personal nourishment to creative thought"

On June 10, 2020 we're starting the second cycle of online meetings with the leading Orff-teachers of Russia and the whole world! June 10 - Elena Filimonova, June 14 - Svetlana Fir (Ukraine), June 16 - Natalya Valchenko, June 19 - Irina Korneeva, June 22 - Tatyana Ermolina, July 01 - Leonardo Riveiro Holgado (Austria), July 04 - Angelika Wolf (Austria). The presenters chose the topics themselves. They will speak about what worries them right now and tell the stories they want to share with us. The meetings will be held on ZOOM platform. Organizer - Irina Baranova, head of the Moscow Orff-chapter. The registration of the participants is held only by Irina Baranova, the organizer of the meetings!



Leonardo Riveiro Holgado (Austria). Topic: "Сarl Orff in modern music pedagogy"
June 2020

On June 10, 2020 we're starting the second cycle of online meetings with the leading Orff-teachers of Russia and the whole world! June 10 - Elena Filimonova, June 14 - Svetlana Fir (Ukraine), June 16 - Natalya Valchenko, June 19 - Irina Korneeva, June 22 - Tatyana Ermolina, July 01 - Leonardo Riveiro Holgado (Austria). The presenters chose the topics themselves. They will speak about what worries them right now and tell the stories they want to share with us. The meetings will be held on ZOOM platform. The registration of the participants is held only by Irina Baranova (head of the Moscow Orff-chapter), the organizer of the meetings!



Tatyana Ermolina. Topic: "Musical games for creative intellect development"

On June 10, 2020 we're starting the second cycle of online meetings with the leading Orff-teachers of Russia and the whole world! June 10 - Elena Filimonova, June 14 - Svetlana Fir (Ukraine), June 16 - Natalya Valchenko, June 19 - Irina Korneeva, June 22 - Tatyana Ermolina, July 01 - Leonardo Riveiro Holgado (Austria). The presenters chose the topics themselves. They will speak about what worries them right now and tell the stories they want to share with us. The meetings will be held on ZOOM platform. The registration of the participants is held only by Irina Baranova (head of the Moscow Orff-chapter), the organizer of the meetings!



Irina Korneeva. Topic: "Orff lessons for adults: a story of one project"

On June 10, 2020 we're starting the second cycle of online meetings with the leading Orff-teachers of Russia and the whole world! June 10 - Elena Filimonova, June 14 - Svetlana Fir (Ukraine), June 16 - Natalya Valchenko, June 19 - Irina Korneeva, June 22 - Tatyana Ermolina, July 01 - Leonardo Riveiro Holgado (Austria). The presenters chose the topics themselves. They will speak about what worries them right now and tell the stories they want to share with us. The meetings will be held on ZOOM platform. The registration of the participants is held only by Irina Baranova (head of the Moscow Orff-chapter), the organizer of the meetings!



Natalya Valchenko. Topic: "Elementary musical theatre in the spirit of Carl Orff. Opera in a school; classical music through the Orff approach"

On June 10, 2020 we're starting the second cycle of online meetings with the leading Orff-teachers of Russia and the whole world! June 10 - Elena Filimonova, June 14 - Svetlana Fir (Ukraine), June 16 - Natalya Valchenko, June 19 - Irina Korneeva, June 22 - Tatyana Ermolina, July 01 - Leonardo Riveiro Holgado (Austria). The presenters chose the topics themselves. They will speak about what worries them right now and tell the stories they want to share with us. The meetings will be held on ZOOM platform. The registration of the participants is held only by Irina Baranova (head of the Moscow Orff-chapter), the organizer of the meetings!



Svetlana Fir (Ukraine). Topic: "Integrational approach at the music lessons with preschoolers"

On June 10, 2020 we're starting the second cycle of online meetings with the leading Orff-teachers of Russia and the whole world! June 10 - Elena Filimonova, June 14 - Svetlana Fir (Ukraine), June 16 - Natalya Valchenko, June 19 - Irina Korneeva, June 22 - Tatyana Ermolina, July 01 - Leonardo Riveiro Holgado (Austria). The presenters chose the topics themselves. They will speak about what worries them right now and tell the stories they want to share with us. The meetings will be held on ZOOM platform. Organizer - Irina Baranova, head of the Moscow Orff-chapter. The registration of the participants is held only by Irina Baranova, the organizer of the meetings!



Elena Filimonova. Topic: "Studying in Salzburg at the Orff Institute and after it. Singing, music playing, canons"

At May 25, 2020 we're starting a cycle of meetings with the leading Orff-teachers from Russia and the whole world. May 25 - Vyacheslav Zhilin, May 28 - Galina Khokhryakova, May 30 - Malina Sarnowska (Poland), June 3 - Iliza Safarova. The presenters chose the topics themselves. They will speak about what worries them right now and tell the stories they want to share with us. The meetings will be held on ZOOM platform. Organizer - Irina Baranova, head of the Moscow Orff-chapter.



June 3 - Iliza Safarova Topic: "Hearing, movement, game. Biological aspects of the auditory perception influence on movement. Untaught gaming nature of rhythm"
May 2020

At May 25, 2020 we're starting a cycle of meetings with the leading Orff-teachers from Russia and the whole world. May 25 - Vyacheslav Zhilin, May 28 - Galina Khokhryakova, May 30 - Malina Sarnowska (Poland), June 3 - Iliza Safarova. The presenters chose the topics themselves. They will speak about what worries them right now and tell the stories they want to share with us. The meetings will be held on ZOOM platform. Organizer - Irina Baranova, head of the Moscow Orff-chapter.



May 30 - Malina Sarnowska (Poland). Topic: "How to teach online and keep a child interested in live lessons"

At May 25, 2020 we're starting a cycle of meetings with the leading Orff-teachers from Russia and the whole world. May 25 - Vyacheslav Zhilin, May 28 - Galina Khokhryakova, May 30 - Malina Sarnowska (Poland), June 3 - Iliza Safarova. The presenters chose the topics themselves. They will speak about what worries them right now and tell the stories they want to share with us. The meetings will be held on ZOOM platform. Organizer - Irina Baranova, head of the Moscow Orff-chapter.



May 28 - Galina Khokhryakova. Topic: " Music with no music school, or music playing between this and then"

At May 25, 2020 we're starting a cycle of meetings with the leading Orff-teachers from Russia and the whole world. May 25 - Vyacheslav Zhilin, May 28 - Galina Khokhryakova, May 30 - Malina Sarnowska (Poland), June 3 - Iliza Safarova. The presenters chose the topics themselves. They will speak about what worries them right now and tell the stories they want to share with us. The meetings will be held on ZOOM platform. Organizer - Irina Baranova, head of the Moscow Orff-chapter.



May 25 - Vyacheslav Zhilin. Topic: "My own curriculum in a children's art school. Description and methods of motivation"
March 2020

Anna Shimkevich (Saratov) will hold a one-day seminar “Animals and music” in Moscow on March 29, 2020. Movement and logic of workshop along with a curious snail from Julia Donaldson “The Snail and The Whale”: we’re going to a journey! Who are we going to meet on our way?

The curriculum includes:
- Playing musical instruments (drums and barred instruments);
- Author’s song;
- Stories and tales about animals;
- “Imaginers” – calm games;
- Movement games
- Shadows theatre.



​Anna Shimkevich (Saratov) will hold a one-day seminar “Animals and music” in Moscow

Elena Filimonova’s seminar “Vocal improvisation in an ensemble” will take place in St. Petersburg on March 22, 2020.

Organiser – Elena Zaburdyaeva.



​Elena Filimonova’s seminar “Vocal improvisation in an ensemble” in St. Petersburg

Movement and logic of workshop along with a curious snail from Julia Donaldson “The Snail and The Whale”: we’re going to a journey! Who are we going to meet on our way? The curriculum includes - playing musical instruments (drums and barred instruments); author’s song; stories and tales about animals; “Imaginers” – calm games; movement games; shadows theatre.



Anna Shimkevich will hold a one-day seminar “Animals and music” in Saratov
February 2020

The seminar will be useful for everyone who teaches children aged from 5 to 10.

SINGING: we will sing and play musical instruments / move / listen to ourselves and others/
CREATIVITY: simple vocal improvisations in an ensemble / composing songs and canons / arrangements of folk melodies and our own compositions.
MOVEMENT: dances – we will learn existing ones and invent our own / Choreography / Improvised movements.



​Elena Filimonova’s (Tyumen) Orff-pedagogy seminar will take place in Novosibirsk

Leading teacher:

Nina Nikolaevna Perunova – a piano teacher, one of the authors of elemental music and movement training manuals “Dedication to Carl Orff”, organizer and presenter of Orff-pedagogy practical seminars and refresher courses.



Nina Perunova’s practical seminar “Development of beginner pianists’ technical skills” will take place in St. Petersburg

Movement and logic of workshop along with a curious snail from Julia Donaldson “The Snail and The Whale”: we’re going to a journey! Who are we going to meet on our way? The curriculum includes - playing musical instruments (drums and barred instruments); author’s song; stories and tales about animals; “Imaginers” – calm games; movement games; shadows theatre.



​Anna Shimkevich (Saratov) will hold a one-day seminar “Animals and music” in Moscow

Special Course 2018/19 is a dense, diverse, creative process 24/7. Special Course 2018/19 equals 17 really motivated teachers with various background who met in one space to find out, create, realize and find out again. How did the things happen? What contributed to the creativity? How does the main idea define the result, the process and the whole life?

Nadezhda Svetlichnaya will share her experience of this creative learning, her observations, experience and discoveries with the ones who is near – in Rostov and its surrounding towns. The plans of this meeting include watching videos and photos of some performances in the Institute, along with commentaries and interesting facts about them.



​A meeting with Nadezhda Svetlichnaya “Special Course creative space” will take place in Rostov-na-donu

Svetlana Zhilinskaya’s (Ekaterinburg) practical seminar (module 2) “Gaming folklore in organization of children’s living space” will take place in Chelyabinsk on Februart 2, 2020.



​Svetlana Zhilinskaya’s practical seminar “Gaming folklore in organization of children’s living space” in Chelyabinsk
January 2020

Two seminars held by Vadim Kanevsky (Moscow) will take place in Musical College named after E.Denisov (Tomsk) on January 22-22, 2020. The first seminar “Always with me, always discreet, can do everything” will be focused on two subjects – “Movement – dance – rhythm” and “Movement – voice – melody”. The second one “When all three of them speak together” (Mind, hands and keyboard) will be focused on improvisation on keyboards and other musical instruments.



​Two seminars held by Vadim Kanevsky (Moscow) will take place in Musical College named after E.Denisov (Tomsk)

Galina Khokhryakova’s seminar “From a game to a concert act” will take place in Moscow on January 12, 2020 (Sunday).
Contents: getting to know with the recorder; working with breathing and articulation; songs featuring the recorder; musical games.



​Galina Khokhryakova’s seminar “From a game to a concert act” in Moscow
December 2019

Main topics of the seminar:

- What is an Orff-lesson?
- World dances for children and adults;
- The recorder and the guitar in teachers’ hands;
- Sound games as a way to learn musical instruments;
- Game as a base of learning;
- Organisation of and Orff-ensemble (orchestra), repertoire.



​Galina Khokhryakova’s practical seminar “Carl Orff’s system of children musical education” for musical directors of kindergartens and music teachers will take place in the village of Suntar (Yakutiya)
August 2019

Theme: Deepening of knowledge and experience in all areas of the curriculum Motion - Percussion - Improvisation: Music, movement/dance, speech/voice as interdisciplinary art forms arising from body-centered sensory and rhythmical awareness. Teaching for Creativity - Creativity for Teaching. Spiral principle: Re-visiting and further immersing in the different areas and forms of action of Orff-Schulwerk pedagogy. The role of movement/dance in Orff-Schulwerk pedagogy.



Angelika Wolf`s seminar in Moscow
July 2019

Theme of the 5 days (from July 29th till August 3rd 2019) seminar “Elemental Music and Dance Education inspired by the musical style and form of the Baroque”. Demonstrating ways, how music of artistic level can be implemented for an experience-oriented playful way already with small children.Organization and Management: Coloman Kallós, Vera Zolkina (Austria) and the President of the Orff-Association Ukraine, Svetlana Fir.



22nd International Summer Course of Encounter "Orff – Schulwerk" in Ostrog / Ukraine

On the homepage of the Mozarteum University Salzburg: www.uni-mozarteum.at/apps/stud/isc you will find detailed information about registration, choice of afternoon sessions and general conditions. The online registration form available on: www.uni-mozarteum.at/apps/stud/isc as from March 15, 2019, has to be completed and submitted online at the latest by June 15, 2019. Directed by Ari Glage, Andrea Ostertag, Reinhold Wirsching. Assistants: Christina Ottoson, Petra Plattner.



International Summer Course "Elemental Music and Dance Pedagogy - Orff Schulwerk", July 7 - 13, 2019
June 2019


Elena Filimonova's seminar in Samara

Topics of the education cover the fields of:
1. Orff-Schulwerk – the basic principles – from dance and movement to music playing and improvisation. 2. Music therapy – theory and practice. 3. Garden activities – building instruments and exploring possibilities of environment.
Terms of The Sound of Garden 2019, with featured guest educators, are scheduled for:
1). 26.6. – 30.6.2019. 2). 10.7. – 14.7.2019.
3). 21.8. – 25.8.2019
Registration is open until filled through email hugo06@gmail.com



"The Sound of Garden 2019" in ETI Vinkovec (Croatia)

On June 8-11, 2019 an international pedagogical conference “Elements of creativity” will take place in St.Petersburg.
A seminar “Orff-approach in teaching musical subjects in institutions of general and supplementary education” will be held within the conference.
International teaching staff.



International pedagogical conference “Elements of creative work” in St.Petersburg

A three-day hands-on workshop exploring Orff Schulwerk pedagogy through play, singing, dancing, instrumental play, listening activities, and improvising. Participant will explore vocal pieces (canons), folk dances, instrumental pieces, choreographies, speech pieces and ways to include visual arts within the Orff approach.



Rob Amchin’s seminar in Ekaterinburg

A three-day hands-on workshop exploring Orff Schulwerk pedagogy through play, singing, dancing, instrumental play, listening activities, and improvising. Participant will explore vocal pieces (canons), folk dances, instrumental pieces, choreographies, speech pieces and ways to include visual arts within the Orff approach.



Rob Amchin’s seminar in Novosibirsk
May 2019

The topic of the festival in 2019 – ELEMENTAL THEATRE. By tradition, it will be one day of concerts, communication and meetings! The curriculum includes open classes, children Orff-orchestras performances, theatrical plays, discussions, workshops. A special guest of the festival – Natalya Valchenko (born Shestopalova).



Festival of music and creativity "Orff-Spring" 2019

Prof. Lenka Pospisilova, teacher / Czech.
A certified teacher of “Musical education” and “Czech language” subjects. Music teacher in primary and secondary school in Prague. A didactical musical subjects teacher in the Pedagogical University of Prague. The leading lecturer of international Orff-pedagogy courses in Czech and other countries (Switzerland, Germany, Portugal, Poland, Lithuania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Croatia, Turkey, Italia, Australia and Austria)



Lenka Pospisilova’s seminar in St. Petersburg

Seminar’s curriculum:1. Playing everything that makes sounds (household objects, simple instruments). 2. Playing real instruments (guitar, recorder, piano). 3. From a game to a concert act.
The seminar includes singing, movement, rhythmic games and exercises, outdoor games for children. A “concert made of nothing” given by participants may conclude the seminar.



“An orchestra made of nothing” – Galina Khokhryakova’s seminar in Kemerovo
March 2019

Tatyana Potekhina is a physiologist, a psychologist, a choirmaster, a pianist. She graduated the Academy of retraining of art, cultural and tourism workers in Moscow in the "Artistic education. Practical learning of elemental music and dance education based on Carl Orff's "Schulwerk"".
"My interests include the questions of biological aspects of culture in general and partically musical. I'm interested in ways of solving problems of children development, correction of development, adaptation to the whole diversity by means of elemental music playing".



Tatyana Potekhina's seminar "Principles of children psychophysiological development organization by means of elemental music playing in "Baby and mom" groups, illustrated with concrete examples in Novosibirsk

Irina Galyant - Candidate of Pedagogy, Associate Professor in South Ural State Humanitarian Pedagogical University. Co-author of "Raduga" (Rainbow) programme. Has published more than 80 papers, including 3 monographs, author's programme on elemental music playing "Orfey" (Orpheus), a teaching guide for the programme, scripts for children's holidays.



Irina Galyant's seminar "Harmonious development of a child in a creative process" in St. Petersburg

A three-day hands-on workshop exploring Orff Schulwerk pedagogy through play, singing, dancing, instrumental play, listening activities, and improvising. Participant will explore vocal pieces (canons), folk dances, instrumental pieces, choreographies, speech pieces and ways to include visual arts within the Orff approach.



Rob Amchin’s seminar "Explore! Create! Discover! Developing the inner child through Orff Schulwerk music and movement education" in Moscow

A three-day hands-on workshop exploring Orff Schulwerk pedagogy through play, singing, dancing, instrumental play, listening activities, and improvising. Participant will explore vocal pieces (canons), folk dances, instrumental pieces, choreographies, speech pieces and ways to include visual arts within the Orff approach.



Rob Amchin’s seminar "Explore! Create! Discover! Developing the inner child through Orff Schulwerk music and movement education" in St. Petersburg

Leading teacher Nina Nikolayevna Perunova – a piano teacher, one of the authors of elemental music and movement training manuals “Dedication to Carl Orff”, and organizer and presenter of practical seminars on Orff-pedagogy and refresher training courses. The main topics of the seminar: development of children’s coordination and movement talent; building of sheet music reading skills and fingering literacy; development of harmonic hearing and the basic acquaintance with the harmony subject; acquaintance with articulation, piano playing nuances and their importance for the expressivity of a performance.



Nina Perunova's seminar "Orff-approach to initial piano teaching" (1st module) in St. Petersburg

Presenter – Elena Filimonova - musicologist, teacher. Education - St.Petersburg State Conservatory, specialty “Musicology”, 1994; Special Course at the Orff-Institute (Universität Mozarteum), Musik und Tanzpädagogik faculty (Salzburg, Austria), 2013. Workshop programme: principles of arrangement for an ensemble; how to work with different musical content and make it “yours”; types of accompaniment and bourdon; body-percussion, how to include it into a composition; Schulwerk style: what, how, why; how to create a large-scale (concert) form of a song.



Elena Filimonova's workshop "Arrangement. Ways of development of a model from a song to a composition" will take place in Tyumen